This is a partial list of the clients of GSC Associates. In most cases we have had long-term relationships with our customers, receiving a series of contracts spanning many years. Certain clients are described in only generic terms due to the restrictions of non-disclosure agreements.
Joint Munitions Command (JMC), Rock Island, IL
We developed and are continuing to support the CAM (Centralized Ammunition Program) / SMDN (Strategic Munitions Distribution Network) Shipment Consolidation Tool for JMC. This tool, known as CONPRO (Consolidation Processor), recommends the best source depot for all ammunition and explosives requisitioned from the National Inventory Control Point (NICP) at Rock Island. Given a set of requisitions, CONPRO creates and solves a complex transportation optimization problem by mathematical programming techniques to determine minimum cost and public exposure (transportation risk) as measured in ton-miles. In particular, CONPRO achieves optimal less than truck load (LTL) consolidation of shipments as well as optimal multi-stop routing while considering a number of constraints including maximum cargo weight and volume and hazardous cargo compatibility restrictions. Several other firms had tried and failed to develop a similar capability for JMC in the past. This work included analyzing and documenting applicable current business processes at both Rock Island Arsenal and Blue Grass Army Depot, creating and documenting revised business processes, and writing all specifications, design documents, and end user documentation.
Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC
We served as the Systems Engineers and System Architects for the Strategic Mobility 21 (SM 21) program, a study funded by the Office of Naval Research and managed by the Center for the Commercial Deployment of Transportation Technologies (CCDOTT). SM 21 is developing a regional planning capability for the Southern California region focused on logistics and transportation. Our duties included: interacting with stakeholders; documenting and analyzing existing business practices; developing system concepts and requirements and documenting them using UML; directing study efforts in modeling and simulation, optimization; and GIS; and working with associated contractors in planning and conducting advanced technology demonstrations.
We also conceptualized, designed, and developed the web portal interfaces for the Strategic Mobility 21 research program conducted for the Office of Naval Research. The web portal provides a collection of web based interfaces for human users and operators of a transportation and logistics management system for Southern California. The functionality includes: a collaborative interface that allows military transportation planners and ship stowage planners to cooperate in optimizing the transportation of unit equipment to ports and the loading of that equipment on board ships; a logistics common operating picture that analyzes information for many different sources including EDI messages, RFID tag reads, and rail tracking data to present actionable information to the operators of costal and inland ports; and a regional planning interface that includes a wikipedia and database of regional logistics and transportation information, geo-spatial visualizations, and modeling, simulation, and analysis tools organized around set of common data files based on a formal ontology. A paper about this work presented at the 12th ICCRTS: Collaboration in Regional Civilian and Military Transportation Planning.
Joint Forces Command (JFCOM)
As part of the Rolling Start for DARPA’s Integrated Battle Command program in 2004, we designed and developed the Coalition Collaboration Aid (CCA) system to support operations planning at a Joint Forces headquarters. CCA analyzed the progress of collaborative interchanges in real-time using a variety of measures of effectiveness based both on message externals and internals (linguistic content) and alerted leaders to groups whose members were not interacting effectively. We participated in a demonstration of this technology at USJFCOM in November 2004 and presented a paper about this work at the 10th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS): A Measurement and Monitoring System for Tracking and Visualizing Collaboration Metrics in Real-time and for Later Analysis.
Major Semiconductor Manufacturer, Chandler, AZ
We managed Integration and Test for the certification tracking system used by the company in factory operations. We wrote test plans and documentation; performed integration and test of a distributed application involving many databases, web-based elements, client server elements, and wrote and executed Systems Acceptance Tests. Our consultants managed the work of others.
We served as System Engineers for several information systems development projects. We developed concepts and prototypes and wrote the specification for a web based system provided consolidated access to operational indicators of the performance of manufacturing operations throughout the world to upper management. We developed concepts and wrote the specification for information systems to support a new model for operating the assembly and test phases of semiconductor manufacturing.
Major Japanese Corporation
We developed product concepts for wireless Internet appliances, wrote Product Specifications, designed and developed hardware and software. We conducted studies of markets and developed advanced product concepts related to future digital television products. This included research and development work in data broadcasting. We conducted research and development, including hardware, software and firmware development for product prototypes in home networks and home gateways, including ones that conformed to the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) specification.
Fortune 50 Corporation
One of our consultants served as Director of Research and Development for a line of home automation products developed for a Fortune 50 Corporation in the US market. This product line includes various controllers (security, HVAC, appliance and general home products) and a System Manager that provides a homeowner with automated control of home automation components though IR and CEBus protocols. Developed product concepts, requirements, and functional specifications; planned the company's next generation of products; participated in strategic planning. Managed HW, SW, Human Factors and FW development teams and took the initial product line from concept to initial release in controlled introduction.
Startup Company
We developed concepts, specifications and prototype hardware and software for a line of home networking products, including integration of home management, media and home computers. The concept included an several versions of an Information Portal that provided interconnection of network media within a home and shared connections to outside services. We prepared competitive market studies and technology forecasts.
US Department of Defense
We were selected by the US DoD for organize and moderate a Symposium to bring together international renowned experts to address the US Government's requirements for distribution of information in electronic formats. Government participation included the DoD, Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration and the US Courts. The Symposium produced a set of scenarios defining government requirements, a set of properties of potential solutions and made recommendations about the best solutions for particular applications.
TRW Defense and Space Systems Group
We assisted a new TRW division in establishing a computing facility including computer graphics capabilities. We provided recommendations regarding hardware and software in the TRW facility. We performed a variety of activities relating to the integration of graphics hardware and software, resulting in the successful installation of a complete graphics capability in this new division. We provided open-shop consulting services to TRW application programmers in the area of computer graphics and assisted several TRW study and proposal efforts - including the Strategic Defense Initiative and the Space Station Proposals - by providing a systems and application programming advice.
We provided system and applications programming support for modeling spacecraft control and sensor systems. Specifically, our contributions included the following:
We provided support for the integration and test and the acceptance test of a multiprocessor real-time control system. We tested software, identified problems, and proposed coding changes to correct them. We also wrote several system acceptance test procedures and conducted formal system testing. Our personnel participated in installation of this system at the operational site and sell-off to the government.
We provided performance evaluation, prediction, and modeling support for a multi-processor real-time control and data processing system. We evaluated the impact of alternative networking strategies on system performances and modeled and evaluated performance of the selected networking technology (Ethernet). We also developed a set of performance measurement and analysis tools for evaluating the impacts of proposed changes and upgrades to system performance. This network presently consists of six VAX 11/780 computers, eight VAX 11/750 computers, and 20 color graphics terminals interconnected using multiple Ethernets.
Hughes Space and Communications Group
We provided engineering support for five years to support concept definition and implementation of a large distributed data processing system. This network integrates a classified data processing facility that contains over 1200 workstations and 110 host computers of several geographically dispersed locations. Specifically, our contributions included:
We were key participants in several study and proposal efforts for various segments of a major classified ground processing system. We represented Hughes in meetings with customer and systems engineering contractor personnel and participated in the development of the system specification, the segment specifications, and various ICDs. We assisted in definition, design, and proposal preparation in the areas of command and telemetry processing, mission data processing, mission management, simulation, and system communication. We prepared specifications and statements of work for subcontractors, wrote major sections of Segment Development Specifications and the Technical Proposals, and were responsible for the technical and cost bids on several CPCI's. We planned IR&D efforts for Hughes to demonstrate applicable technologies. Specific technical support was provided in the areas of computer-human interfaces, artificial intelligence, operations research, and simulation/modeling.
We participated study efforts and in the development of a technical proposal for performing the Preliminary Design of the Earth Observing System (Eos) Data and Information System(EosDIS). Eos is a NASA program for the 1990's that will use four polar-orbiting platforms carrying a wide variety of scientific instruments to collect Earth Science data. EosDIS will provide a comprehensive data and information system providing easy, affordable, and reliable access to Earth Science data from NASA and other platforms as well as in-situ instruments.
We performed requirements analysis and helped develop a preliminary architectural concept for a Hughes EosDIS design. We were responsible for preparation the first 20 pages of the proposal ("Understanding of Requirements") as well as a 22 page appendix entitled "Representative Operational Scenario Description" which demonstrated our team's understanding of the science community and the way that Earth scientists operate. We directed the work of associated contractors (Ford Aerospace and Applied Research Corporation) who assisted us in preparing these sections.
Hughes Information Technology Company
We supported Hughes and NASA in the design and development of the Earth Observing System (Eos) Data and Information System(EosDIS). Among the tasks we performed were:
Intel Corporation
Under this contract, we provided consulting services to Intel Corporation defining requirements for a family of VLSI components for image processing applications. We analyzed the capabilities of large-scale integrated circuits manufactured by other semiconductor firms and determined capabilities required to meet the needs of several specific markets for such components. We conducted trade studies, comparing the utility of specific image processing features and interfacing options in integrated circuits for the office systems marketplace.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
We provided systems engineering support to JPL in support of their work for the Joint Tactical Fusion Office (JTF) and the US Army Intelligence Center and School (USAICS). Specific contributions included:
We analyzed SIGINT processing algorithms developed for the ASAS/ENSCE project by JPL. Our focus was on the usability of the system by operators and on such operational issues as initialization, calibration, planning, and training. We found the existing design to be seriously flawed and suggested ways that it could be improved.
Defense Information System Agency
We provided technical engineering support and expertise to the government to support the development of an International Standard based on the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This support included drafting relevant documents, such as the Cooperative Working Agreement between JTC 1 and the W3C and the New Work Item Proposal for the PNG Standard. We also we provided technical engineering support and expertise to the government to support the establishment and management of Business Teams within ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 24 in the areas of Electronic Commerce and of Imaging and Graphics. This support included authoring the contents of the Imaging and Graphics Business Team WWW site, recruiting participants for the team, developing the working procedures for the team and creating the initial Working Groups.
US Army Simulation, Training & Instrumentation Command (STRICOM)
Under this contract we assisted the US Army Simulation, Training & Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) by evaluating the set of specifications commonly called SEDRIS (Synthetic Environment Data Representation & Interchange Specification.) A synthetic environment is a representation of a natural or artificial environment, whose components are located in reference to a well-defined spatial origin and coordinate system. We developed a plan for creating a set of International Standards based on the SEDRIS specifications.
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
The purpose of this contract was to provide technical support to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), Systems Directorate (ST/S), Systems Engineering Office (SE), Interoperability Standards Division (SES). The set of tasks were all within the United States Imagery and Geospatial System (USIGS) and included support for the development of the current generation of imagery compression standards, for developing a next generation of standards, and for metadata standards.
Aerojet Electrosystems Company (now part of Northrop Grumman)
We studied the feasibility of performing a variety of classified signal processing algorithms in spacecraft on-board processors. These algorithms included components that performed most classical digital signal processing algorithms such as Fourier transforms, digital filtering, and feature extraction. We defined the processing required to implement these algorithms, investigated alternative digital architectures for performing the required processing, and conducted trade studies to select the best implementation approach. The approaches we investigated included conventional, systolic, and data flow processors. All of the required processing is performed in real-time on high bandwidth signals.
We provided continuing systems engineering support to Aerojet for their feasibility study and prototype development of a fault-tolerant spaceborne infrared sensor. More specifically, our contributions included the following:
We provided an independent evaluation of fault tolerance and reliability for Payload 1 of the Aerojet/Harris/TRW design concept for BSTS. We developed operating system and communication concepts for the on-board computer architecture. We conducted a review of the design approach and identified limitations and potential problems. We participated in the allocation of the fault tolerance and reliability goals to elements of the payload, in customer briefings, and in the design of the fault tolerance simulation.
Honeywell Information Systems
Under this contract, we provided consulting services to Honeywell Information Systems to define migration strategies from current products to the Open Systems Interconnection Environment. We also presented a series of lectures providing background information for Honeywell communication engineers concerning various communication standards including the ISO Open Systems Interconnection standards, CCITT telecommunication standards, and the Department of Defense data communication standards such as TCP and IP.
Hughes Ground Systems Group
We provided systems engineering support and software design for a local network project. We developed concepts, wrote specifications, and designed the software/firmware for the (distributed) nodal operating system of the network interfaces for a token-passing global bus (the "Hughes Data Bus"). This bus was developed by Hughes to interconnect the equipment in air defense ground systems.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
We developed techniques for formally specifying the Virtual Reality Modeling Language Version 2.0 specification. Developed automated techniques for generating test cases from the formal specifications.
We studied and evaluated the PDES/STEP draft of November 1988. Our activities focused on improving the compatibility among PDES/STEP and standards in the areas of Codes and Character Sets, Office Systems, and Computer Graphics. We drafted a revision of the Presentation Entities that became a formal US position. We prepared recommended changes to PDES/STEP for NIST and attended three IGES/PDES/STEP meetings to present our results.
We documented DoD requirements in the areas of automated technical and office publishing and engineering documentation and determined requirements for data exchange in the CALS program. We developed recommended extensions to standards for graphics, office systems, and product data exchange to meet CALS requirements. We defined extensions to computer graphics standards in the form of additional registered items (linestyles, marker symbols, generalized drawing primitives - such as splines, etc). We prepared registration proposals and are sponsoring them for approval through the ANSI and ISO standards process. We designed and developed a software system for maintaining the International Register of Graphical Items.
National Bureau of Standards (now NIST)
We developed text and raster extensions to computer graphics standards to support CALS requirements. We prepared registration proposals and are sponsoring them for approval through the ANSI and ISO standards process. We continued work begun in previous years, by revising and continuing to sponsor previous proposals.
We investigated DoD requirements in the areas of automated technical and office publishing and engineering documentation and determined requirements for data exchange in the CALS program. We developed recommended extensions to standards for graphics, office systems, and product data exchange to meet CALS requirements. We defined extensions to computer graphics standards in the form of additional registered items (linestyles, marker symbols, generalized drawing primitives - such as splines, etc). We prepared registration proposals and are sponsoring them for approval through the ANSI and ISO standards process. We designed and developed a software system for maintaining the International Register of Graphical Items.
We provided services through the National Bureau of Standards to the Department of Defense Computer Aided Logistic Support (CALS) program. We evaluated the graphics validation tests developed by the European Community to determine their suitability for use by the Department of Defense in verifying the suitability of graphics systems implementations that claim conformance to various international graphics standards. To do this, we executed the tests on two commercial implementations of the GKS standard and determined the source of problems that were encountered. We made recommendations to National Bureau of Standards regarding a DoD graphics validation approach.
Ramcom Systems Inc.
Working under a cooperative R&D agreement, we planned a line of communications products for the office environment. The components of this product line address needs in the areas of communication, storage and conversion of office documents containing integrated text, line art graphics, and photographic (raster graphics) contents. We wrote specifications for all hardware and software components of the products, designed and developed the necessary software for IBM PC and Apple Macintosh compatible versions, and conducted integration and test for the product line components. RAMCOM designed and developed the hardware elements.
U.S. Videotel
We provided U.S. Videotel with a Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance in the establishment of a nationwide videotex network. U.S. Videotel is a partnership of U.S. and French companies that is "importing" the successful French Minitel videotex terminal and Teletel service to the U.S .market. U.S. Videotel provided services and terminals to most of the Regional Bell Operating Companies in the U.S.
Under this contract we developed a set of requirements for videotex services in the U.S over a 5 year period, evaluated the existing Minitel terminal and U.S. Videotel network against these requirements, and prepared recommendations on how U.S. Videotel should proceed to evolve to a future videotext network. We are advised US Videotel on communication and computer graphics standards and their likely impact on future services. We are evaluated the human-computer interface aspects of their current offerings and suggesting short-term improvements.
Naval Air Systems Command
This contract was a Phase I SBIR for FY90. It was based on topic N89-079 entitled "Automation of Digital Data Review and Verification." This study developed techniques to exploit recent initiatives such as the CALS program that allow the exchange of Technical Data Packages (TDP's) among government and industry in standardized digital formats to automate some or all of the labor-intensive process of verifying of vendor's TDP's. Under this contract we determined which elements of the review process can be automated; decided which types of technical data can be automatically validated, and the degree of such validation that is cost effective; dealt with psycho-social issues such as organizational impacts and degree of confidence in automated processes; and determined the usefulness of commercially-available validation products. We developed an innovative approach for automating appropriate portions of the TDP review process, and identified commercial off-the-shelf software and hardware components that can be used for such verification.
Naval Ocean Systems Center
This contract was a Phase I SBIR for FY90. It was based on topic N90-297 entitled "Voice Messaging and Response for Naval Ashore and Afloat Operations." The objective of this contract was to study interactive communications in Naval operations and conceptualize ways to improve operational efficiency by applying voice processing technology. Voice processing includes traditional speech technologies-such as speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion, and speech digitization and storage- as well as integrated voice messaging systems based on these technologies-voice mail, automated attendants, interactive voice response, and dictation/transcription systems. This effort defined requirements, conceptualize voice processing solutions, determine the features of commercially available systems, and develop a strategy for a large-scale demonstration of the effectiveness of these systems in an operational Naval environment. We developed a set of scenarios representing typical uses of voice processing to enhance Navy operational effectiveness. We developed a prototype voice processing workstation that works in conjunction with the interior and exterior communication circuits on ships to enhance an operators ability to process simultaneous channels for voice activity. We submitted a Phase II proposal to develop the necessary hardware and software, install it on a ship, conduct a demonstration, and evaluate the results.
Naval Ocean Systems Center
This contract was a Phase I SBIR for FY89. It was based on topic N89-037 entitled "Addressing Techniques for Naval Traffic in a Multi-Media Environment." Under this contract we performed systems engineering analysis to study data traffic on Navy RF links and proposed ways of solving various technical problems that arise when attempting to use standard communication protocols based on the ISO/OSI model in these circumstances. In particular, many links can be more efficiently utilized if their inherent broadcast nature can be capitalized upon. We determined the problems that arise using ISO standard protocols and conceptualized innovative ways of extending these protocols with minimal impact to better meet Navy requirements. We submitted a Phase II proposal to continue this work by writing the necessary protocol specifications and developing demonstration software.
GSC Associates Denver: 2727 Xanthia Court, Denver, CO 80238-2611, +1-720-453-8045 (phone) Keystone: 0084 Oro Grande Drive, #123D, Keystone, Colorado 80435-7768, +1-970-262-1429 (phone) E-mail: |
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