International Standard 11072, Information Processing -
Computer Graphics - Computer Graphics Reference Model, 1992, George S. Carson, editor
Download a zip file containing this standard
Introduction to the Computer Graphics Reference Model,
George S. Carson, editor
Download a zip file containing this paper
International Standard 18026, the Spatial Reference Model (SRM), George S. Carson, editor
International Standard 18025, the Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS), George S. Carson, editor
Collaboration in Regional Civilian and Military Transportation Planning
with Ed Savacool
12th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium,
Newport, Rhode Island, June 2007.
A Measurement and Monitoring System for Tracking and Visualizing Collaboration Metrics in Real-time and for Later Analysis,
with Peter Bono
10th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium,
MMcLean, Virginia, June 2005.
UML and Human Performance Modeling
A white paper written for US Army Research Lab under contract DAAD19-01-C-0065
March 2005.
Graphics standards
A chapter in the book Computer Graphics Companion, Macmillan Press Ltd.,
Basingstoke, UK, 2002.
Standards pipeline: ongoing standards work makes great strides
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 33 , Issue 1 (February 1999), Pages: 40 - 42
Spatial standardization
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 34 , Issue 3 (August 2000), Pages: 38 - 41
Summer meeting produces results
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 33 , Issue 4 (November 2000), Pages: 32 - 34
with Bernadette Kuzma, Richard F. Puk, and John Gebhardt
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 33 , Issue 2 (May 1999), Pages: 54 - 60
The Development of the VRML 97 International Standard
with Rikk Carey and Richard F. Puk
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Volume 19, Number 2, March/April 1999, pp. 52-58.
Imaging and graphics business team addresses opportunities for standardization
with Paul ten Hagen
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 32 , Issue 4 (November 1998), Pages: 37 - 40
Overview of the Basic Image Interchange Format
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 32 , Issue 2 (May 1998), Pages: 40 - 41
PIKS and BIIF explored
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 32 , Issue 2 (May 1998), Pages: 38 - 39
Standards work intensifies with creation of business teams
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 32 , Issue 3 (August 1998), Pages: 36 - 39
Standards pipeline: the OpenGL specification
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 31 , Issue 2 (May 1997), Pages: 17 - 18
The development of international standards
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 31 , Issue 4 (November 1997), Pages: 27 - 28
Standards pipeline: PNG, VRML 97,
BIIF, imaging standards
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics archive
Volume 31 , Issue 3 (August 1997), Pages: 18 - 20
Standards pipeline
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 30 , Issue 3 (August 1996), Pages: 83 - 84
Standardisation—opportunity or constraint? (panel session)
with David Arnold, Jack Bresenham, Ken Brodlie, Jan Hardenbergh, Paul van Binst, Andries van Dam
Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, Pages: 499 - 501
Sharing Standards: The new media
with Roy Rada
Communications of the ACM, Volume 37 , Issue 9 (September 1994), Pages: 23 - 25
PREMO: An ISO Standard for
Presentation Environment for Multimedia Objects
with I. Herman, P. ten Hagen, and G. Reynolds ,
J. Davy, D. Duce, , W. Hewitt,
K. Kansy , B. Lurvey, R. Puk,
H. Stenzel
IEEE Multimedia, 1994
The role of consensus
with Roy Rada and Christopher Haynes
Communications of the ACM, Volume 37 , Issue 4 (April 1994), Pages: 15 - 16
Introduction to the computer graphics reference model
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 27 , Issue 2 (September 1993), Pages: 108 - 119
X3H3 standards report
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Volume 26 , Issue 3 (August 1992), Pages: 221 - 226
The Approach to Formal Specifications by ANSI X3H3
Invited paper at the Workshop on the Certification of Graphics Standards
Steensel, The Netherlands, June 7-11, 1992
Graphics Networking and Distributed Computing
a chapter in Graphics and Communications
Springer Verlag, 1991
CALS Graphics Standards,
Proceedings NCGA, Volume 13, pp. 570-598, 1990
A Graphical Gaze into the Future, Parts 1 and 2
Unix Technology Advisor, pp. 24-30, April 1990 and pp. 23-28, May 1990
Understanding the Complexities of Graphical Data Exchange
Unix Technology Newsletter, September 1989, pp.13-18
Avoiding Serious Mistakes When You Develop a Systems Communication Strategy
Unix Technology Advisor, May 1989, pp. 8-14Computer Graphics Standards
Data Transfer Newsletter, Omnicom, April 1988
Extending the CGM for Publishing and Technical Drawing Exchange
a chapter in Eurographic Seminars Tutorials And Perspectives In Computer Graphics
CGM in the Real World (A.M. Mumford and M.W. Skall, eds.)
Springer Verlag, 1988
The Future of ISO Graphics Standards
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 82-83
Volume 8, Number 4, July 1988
The Reference Model for Computer Graphics, with Eileen McGinnis
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 17-23
Volume 6, Number 8, August 1986
Reference Models for the User Interface
Invited paper SIGGCHI Workshop on User Interface Reference Models, April 1986
Reference Models for User Interfaces
SIGGCHI Standards Workshop, San Francisco, California, April 15, 1985
Conformance Testing and Quality Assessment of Graphics Systems
Proceedings, Trends and Applications 1985, IEEE Computer Society, 1985 pp.10-16
Graphic Standards Vie for Acceptance to Meet Differing Goals, with Edmund Van Deusen
Computer Technology Review, pp. 119-125, Spring 1985
An Approach to the Formal Specifications of Computer Graphics Systems
Computer and Graphics
Volume 8, Number 1, 1984
The Specification of Computer Graphics Systems
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Volume 3, Number 6, September 1983
Message Based Distributed Processing
IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium, pp. 170-183
Los Angeles, California, December 7-9, 1982
The PMIG Formal Specification
Invited paper, Workshop on the Certification of Graphics Standards
Rixensart, Belgium, October 26-29, 1982
A Formal Specification of the Programmer's Minimal Interface to Graphics, with Ed Post
American National Standards Institute
Computer Graphics Standards Committee,
Document Number: X3H3/82/136, September 1982
A High Level Language for Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
Fifteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, systems, and Computers, pp. 165-170
Pacific Grove, California, November 1981
Workshop, Which Document
Formats are Suitable for Archival?
with Charles Goldfarb, Jeff Smith, Jerry Smith and Steve Zilles
Documation 97, February 28, 1997, Santa Clara, California, Convention Center
Chairman and Organizer, VRML
Conformance Testing Workshop
SIGGRAPH 96, August 5, 1996
Graphics Standards
Federal Office Exposition, April 1986
Local Area Networks
One day short course, Association for Computing Machinery, 1987
Local Area Networks
One day short course, Association for Computing Machinery, 1989
Graphics Standards and Specifications
Two day tutorial Graphic Communications Association, 1989-90
Concepts of Open Systems in ISDN
Four day short course, University of Irvine, California
Computer Graphics Standards
Full day tutorial at
1990 Federal Computer Conference and
1990 Defense and Government Computer Conference
Washington DC, September 18, 1990
Computer Graphics: Software Technology and Hardware Components
Four day course at
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgreen, Virginia, May 1-4, 1990
Naval Surface Warfare Center, White Oak, Maryland, May 7-10, 1990
ISO and ANSI Standardization
Electronic Imagery Archives Planning Workshop
Falls Church, VA, March 4-6, 1997
JTC 1/SC 24 Approach to Collaboration
JTC 1 GII Standards Operational Roundtable
Reston, VA, July 23-24, 1997
9th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Monterey, California USA, April 2004
Conference on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language and Web 3D Technologies, Paderborn, Germany, February 1999
Eurographics, 1995, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 28 August - 1 September 1995
GSC Associates Denver: 2727 Xanthia Court, Denver, CO 80238-2611, +1-720-453-8045 (phone) Keystone: 0084 Oro Grande Drive, #123D, Keystone, Colorado 80435-7914, +1-970-262-1429 (phone) E-mail: |
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