Table of contents
This is an example of a Deed in Trust that conveys real property in case a debt is not re-paid within a specified time:
Ephraim B. Jones to G. G. Osborne, Deed in Trust
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book MM, Pages 310-311, 8 April 1843
"I Ephraim B. Jones have this day bargained and do hereby convey to G. G. Osborne for the sum of five dollars to me in hand paid and for other consideration herein mentioned, my equitable title to three fourths of an undivided tract of land lying in Bedford County in District No. 3 On the waters of the Wartrace Fork of Duck River and bounded as follows (to wit), adjoining the lands of Henry Holt on the East, John Taylor and Robert Chambers on the North, on the West the heirs of William McGuire and on the South by Archibald Caruthers, containing by estimation one hundred and seven acres...
But this deed for the following uses and trusts and no other purpose that is to say.
I am indebted to the minor heirs of James Couch as guardian in the sum of about one hundred and eighty five dollars..."
And the following deed shows that the debts were not paid and the land was sold by the Trustee:
Deed, G. G. Osborn to Daniel Stephens
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book QQ Pages 305-306, 18 May 1848
G. G. Osborn to Daniel Stephens, Deed 107 acres. Whereas E. B. Jones by deed dated 8th April Eighteen hundred and forty three conveyed to me in Trust, three fourths of a tract of land in Tennessee and Bedford County and District No. 3 Containing One hundred and seven acres lying on the waters of the Wartrace Fork of Duck River and bounded as follows: (To wit) On the East by the lands of Henry Holt. On the North by the lands of John Taylor and Robert Chambers. On the West by the lands of the heirs of William McQuyre. And on the South by the lands of Archibald Caruthers.
Which deed was made to secure to the minor heirs of James Couch the payment of one hundred and eighty five
dollars. Also to the Bank of Tennessee one hundred and seventy five dollars. Also to E. A. Mosley and Matt Martin fifty five dollars and Interest. Also to Joseph Couch and G. G. Osborne, Executors of Isaac Couch fourteen dollars. Also to David Norville Twenty Two dollars. Also William Sharp ten dollars and fifty cents. Also James Erwin fifteen dollars: and
said deed contained a power to sell the said land in case the said debts was <sic> not paid On the first April 1844 and the said debts not being paid I have proceeded according to the terms of said Trust deed to advertise and sell the said land at public sale and have struck off and sold the same to Daniel Stevens for four hundred and five dollars that being the highest and best bid. Therefore in consequence of the permises and the power in me bestowed by said deed and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and five dollars to me paid and applied according to the trust, I as trustee as aforesaid do transfer and convey to the said Daniel Stevens his heirs and assigns forever all the right and title vested in me by said trust deed to the above described land. To have and to hold to the said Daniel Stevens his heirs and assigns forever. And I do further transfer and assign to the said Daniel Stevens his heirs and assigns all the right and benefit of said warranty in said deed to me contained in as full a manner as in said deed, I can and should. But I assign and convey as trustee and not otherwise.
This 18th May 1848.
G. G. Osborne <signed>, Trustee of E. B. Jones
And another example of personal property being pledged by a son to secure a note of his mother's:
Deed of Trust, Henderson Meadows to John Allbrittain
TSLA, Bedford County Tennessee Deeds, Book JJ, Pages 221, 26 Feb 1840
Abstract: Conditional conveyance of personal property for serving a security on $60 note to Jane Meadows.
And an example where a share of an expected future inheritance (an undivided 1/10 share of 8 slaves):
Deed in Trust, James Womble and wife to John T. Niel
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book HH, page 96, 31 May 1838
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book HH, page 96, 31 May 1838
Deed in Trust, James Womble and wife to John T. Niel
Transcription: "We have this day sold and do hereby convey to John T. Neil, his heirs and assigns forever, for five dollars to us in hand paid and the other considerations hereinafter mentioned,
one undivided share of eight negroes by the names of Squire, Charles, Jordan, Toney, John, Arthur, Nancy and Betsey, slaves for life, said negroes are now in the possession of
Becky Warren, agreeable to the last will and testament of Edward Warren,
deceased. To remain in her possession until her death, then to be equally divided between his ten children -
we being entitled to one share and having a right to sell, doth warrant said undivided tenth part of said slaves to the said John T. Neil, his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever -- But this sale is made for the following uses and trusts and no other purpose, that is,
we are indebted to Williamson Haggard in the sum of two hundred and fourteen and 45/100 dollars for which sum an execution issued from Our Circuit Court of Bedford County and was levied on our property by the Sheriff and George Waite to compromise the same without sale did on the 17th of October 1837 pay said Haggard the sum of fifty two dollars and fifty cents for which he took no note and further became our security for one note due the 25th of December 1838 and one other note due the 25th of December 1839 amounting each to $80.90 bearing interest from said 17th October 1837 amounting in all what Waite paid and became security for two hundred and fourteen dollars 30 cents. We are desirous to secure and make certain the payment of the same with interest from the 17th October 1837 as aforesaid. Now if we should make payment of said $52.50 to said Waite with interest within three months, and pay said Haggard or his assigns the two above described notes so as to secure said Waite from loss of liabilities, then this deed to be void. But if we should not, then the said John T. Neil as trustee after giving ten days notice in writing at the Court House door in Shelbyville and at three other public places in the neighborhood, may expose our interest in said eight negroes to public sale and sell them to the highest bidder for cash, and appropriate the proceeds first to the payment of the necessary expenses and costs, second to the satisfaction of said debt of $214.30 and interest - and thirdly to pay the balance to us if any there be -- this 31st day of May 1838. Signed and sealed in the presence of
James B. Dolby <signed>
Lydia T. Womble <signed>
James Womble <signed>
Joanna Womble <signed by mark>
State of Tennessee, Bedford County } Personally appeared before me, William D. Orr, Clerk of Bedford County Court, James B. Dolby and Lydia T. Womble the within named witnesses to the foregoing deed in trust, who being first duly sworn depose and say that they are acquainted with James Womble the maker of the within deed and that he acknowledged, signed, sealed and delivered the same as his act and deed in their presence on the day the same bears date. Witness my hand at office this 14th July 1838
William D. Orr, Clerk <signed>
Registered July 17th 1838, Andrew Vannoy, registrar of Bedford County
And a final example where livestock and household furnishings are pledged to secure repayment:
Deed, John Crosslin to J. R. Bailey
Coffee County TN Deeds, Book A, pages 493-494
Abstract: both of Coffee County, TN; $5 for a deed in trust to hold personal property to secure payment of a note for $25.10 to William B. Gibson dated 28 December 1837 as well as other unspecified debts to other
unspecified persons; property is one sorrel horse, one cow and calf, twenty five head of stock hogs and four feather beds, bedsteads and furniture and two heifers
John Crosslin <signed by mark>
Witness: Rueben Carden, Daniel McLean
Recorded 11 December 1839
Example of the sale of a slave
Example of the sale of the notes and accounts of a store
Example of the sale of a crop of corn:
Deed, G. E. Calhoun to William J. Powell
TSLA, Bedford County Tennessee Deeds, Book GGG, page 223, 12 September 1868
Abstract: $326 for his interest in four crops of corn raised on the lands he rented from Clem Mosley
The next deed shows a father giving a slave to his daughter. Of particular interest is that the name of the slave ("Vilet") is the same as the name of the slave willed to Daniel Meadows by his father James Meadows in Granville County, North Carolina a few years earlier (Will of James Meadows, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Granville County, NC Wills Volume 7, pages 508-509; will dated 4 Dec 1812; probated May term, 1815):
of Sale, Daniel Meadows to Elizabeth Meadows
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book P, Page 61, 10 December 1821
Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Meaders of Warren County Tennessee but at present in Bedford County of Said State for & in Consideration of The love and Effections (sic) which I bare (sic) my Daughter Elizabeth Meadow and Twenty five Cents in hand paid I have this day given and conveyed to My Said Daughter a certain negro (sic) Girl named Vilet which Said Girl I do not agree to relinquish the Possession of during my life but after my Death the Said Negro Girl is to be the property of my Said Daughter Elizabeth and her heirs forever In Witness whareof (sic) I have hereunto Set my hand and offered my Seal this Tenth day of December 1821
Land Grant, State of Tennessee to John Thompson
Recorded in TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book D, p 66
Abstract: Grant to John Thompson #2200; State of TN; 528 acres as assignee of Moses Powell for military service under NC warrant #1783, 23 Apr 1795, entered 9 Aug 1801 #25; land in District 2, Range 4, Section 5; borders Samuel Patton's NE corner, Amos Balchez? W boundary of 1000 acres, Howel Tatum's SW corner of 640 acres, crosses Duck River with Pattons line
surveyed 24 July 1809
Example of a widow's dower sold to pay debts
Example of a sale by the Sheriff to satisfy a judgment:
TSLA, Coffee County Deeds, Book N, pages 14 and 15, Dated 21 April 1869
Deed, A. J. Uselton to William Donelson
Whereas Thomas A Jones recovered a judgement against one E. J. Cornelles in the Circuit Court of Coffee County by motion the 27th day of January 1867 for $620,982. And whereas there was issued by the clerk of said court an execution on said judgement to the Sheriff of Coffee County...Now, therefore in consideration of all the foregoing promises and directions, I, A. J. Usleton (sic), Sheriff of said County, do hereby transfer and convey to William Donelson...
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Land Book, 27 September 1823
Mortgage, Margaret McMichael to Matt Martin et. al.
This indenture made this 27th day of September A. D. eighteen hundred and twenty three between Margaret McMichall of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott of the County and State aforesaid, of the other part. Witnessseth, that the said Margaret McMichall in consideration of the sum of fifty four dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged he hath granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents doth grant, sell and convey unto the said Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott their heirs and assigns forever a parcel of land lying in the County of Bedford and State aforesaid on Noah's Fork of Duck River Whereon I now live containing one hundred and eighty acres adjoining the lands of Mrs. Nichols, James Nall, Richard Keele.
To have and to hold the said lot or premises of land with all and singular the rights, profits, hereditaments and appertanances of, and to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to the proper use and behoof of them the said and Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott and their heirs and assigns forever, and I the said Margaret McMichell bind myself, my heirs and assigns, and by these presents do warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premesis or tract of land unto the said and Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott and their heirs and assigns against the claims of all persons lawfully claiming the same:
Provided always that the said Margaret McMichell shall pay the said and Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott Eighteen dollars, on or before the 1st of January 1825, and also Eighteen dollars on or before the 1st of January 1826, and a furthier <sic> sum of Eighteen dollars on or before the 1st of January 1827, with interest on the whole for the last three months which is due by bond from the said Margaret McMichael to the said Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott and which this is intended to secure, bearing date 27th day of September 1823 and payable according to the dates aforementioned, which are sums that the said Matt Martin, John Davidson, William S. Watterson, Stephen Booth, Thomas H. Bernard and John Scott have this day become bound for payment of to James Jackson on their individual responsibility in a settlement made the 19th day of September 1823 between Andrew Jackson and James Jackson and Andrew Erwin, for the compromise of a suit commenced by Andrew Jackson, complainant, against Andrew Erwin and others, defendants.
Then this indenture is to be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue,
anything contained here to the contrary notwithstanding. In testimony hereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the day and year above written.
John McMichael for Margaret McMichael <signed>
Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of A Erwin, Jr. and Rice F. Ross
State of Tennessee, Bedford County Court, October term 1824
I James McKisick, clerk of said court, do hereby certify the within mortgage was proven in open court upon the oaths of A. Erwin and Rice F. Ross, subscribing witnesses thereunto, and ordered to be so certified for registration. Given under my hand at office this 14th day of October 1824
James McKisick, Clerk
Recorded the 3rd February 1825
Edward Wade, Registrar
This deed contains list of accounts places various individuals in 1848 and 1849 as purchasing from the Young's store in Flat Creek. This deed transfers of a long list of notes and accounts (and a deed on page 353 tells us these are the accounts of his store in Flat Creek.)
TSLA, Bedford County Deed Book RR, Pages 349 - 352, 8 March 1850
Deed, Acton Young to William Young.
I Acton Young of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey unto William Young of the same County for the consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid and the further consideration hereinafter mentioned The following Notes and accounts:
27 Notes on C. W. Johnson for one hundred dollars Each due monthly from the first day of May 1851 with the exception of the thirteenth and fourteenth such notes;
G. W. Hobbs note due 1 January 1850 for $22.00
J. W. White due 1 January 1850 for $3.46
G. Shofner note due 1 January 1850 for $2.80
L. C. Eliot note due 1 January 1850 for $32.00
Hiram Howard note due 1 January 1850 for $5.38
F. A. Sutton note due 1 January 1850 for $1.40
W. J. Usury note due 1 January 1850 for $8.18
Hurbert Wiggins note due 1 January 1850 for $9.85
W. R. Dirrett note due 1 January 1850 for $17.50
Clem Cannon note due 1 January 1850 for $19.00
J. W. Wallace note due 1 January 1850 for $28.56
Hiram Gregg note due 1 January 1850 for $3.60
J. M. H. Coleman note due 1 January 1850 for $7.60
William Connor note due 1 January 1850 for $7.80
James King? note due 1 January 1850 for $3.25
A. Smith note due 1 January 1850 for $2.20
R. H. Forbes note due 1 January 1850 for $3.90
D. S. Jackson note due 1 January 1850 for $4.70
Martin Smith note due 1 January 1850 for $24.83
David Wagster note due 1 January 1850 for $27.73
D. W. Anglin note due 1 January 1850 for $25.22
William Reese note due 1 January 1850 for $15.88
William Hughes note due 1 January 1850 for $13.76
Henry Cannon note due 1 January 1850 for $15.77
Robert McFarlin note due 1 January 1850 for $28.00
J. P. Thompson note due 1 January 1850 for $6.85
E. M. Patterson note due 1 January 1850 for $16.81
E. B. Tuck note due 1 January 1850 for $35.05
J. H. Muse note due 1 January 1850 for $18.25
James P. Blessing note due 1 January 1850 for $1.30
Rufus A. Coldwell note due 1 January 1850 for $49.76
Jesse Muse note due 1 January 1850 for $5.34
Samuel Arnold note due 1 January 1850 for $3.00
Also the following list of accounts which I transfer for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, viz:
John Oneal note due 1 January 1850 for $22.43
John T. Muse note due 1 January 1850 for $10.18
I. J. Jordan note due 1 January 1850 for $6.20
John Gambill note due 1 January 1850 for $9.96
T. Boyers note due 1 January 1850 for about $12.00
S. B. Gordon note due 1 January 1850 for $1.13
Isaac Patterson note due 1 January 1850 for $20.00
G. Patterson note due 1 January 1850 for $4.00
Livingston Anderson note due 1 January 1850 for $15.25
Harris Austin note due 1 January 1850 for $2.80
J. Burdett note due 1 January 1850 for $1.25
Martha Baxter note due 1 January 1850 for $2,66
James Burdett note due 1 January 1850 for $8.18
Calvin Burrow note due 1 January 1850 for $4.26
J. P. Brown note due 1 January 1850 for $33.55
John Conden note due 1 January 1850 for $4.40
Lucy Coleman note due 1 January 1850 for $3.70
Mary Campbell note due 1 January 1850 for $1.55
Permelia Davis note due 1 January 1850 for $1.95
Mahala Davis note due 1 January 1850 for $1.78
J. C. Davenport note due 1 January 1850 for $3.30
Orsey Dameron note due 1 January 1850 for $6.30
James Ellis note due 1 January 1850 for $14.50
Jedediah Forbes note due 1 January 1850 for $26.81
George B. Fuller note due 1 January 1850 for $18.91
Jacob Golentham? note due 1 January 1850 for $5.38
Robert Greer note due 1 January 1850 for $5.00
Thomas J. Gambell note due 1 January 1850 for $6.84
Eli Griffith note due 1 January 1850 for $1.58
Allen Jarnagan note due 1 January 1850 for $10.50
James G-- <illegible> note due 1 January 1850 for $2.25
N. Hanes note due 1 January 1850 for $2.75
Ann Head note due 1 January 1850 for $2.83
French Haggard note due 1 January 1850 for $1.70
N. A. Hodge note due 1 January 1850 for $22.31
G. Himes note due 1 January 1850 for $2.03
M. Holt note due 1 January 1850 for $24.06
Jeremiah Holt note due 1 January 1850 for $0.95
J. Johnson note due 1 January 1850 for about $17.00
E. L. Jones note due 1 January 1850 for $28.58
Lewis Knight? note due 1 January 1850 for $0.35
William Noblett note due 1 January 1850 for $2.45
M. Tribble note due 1 January 1850 for $3.45
B. Temple note due 1 January 1850 for $3.85
Helen Temple note due 1 January 1850 for $3.13
George Trott note due 1 January 1850 for $2.15
Robert Temple note due 1 January 1850 for $7.60
James R. Jones note due 1 January 1850 for $3.00
Joseph Taylor note due 1 January 1850 for $2.00
William Jones Sr. note due 1 January 1850 for $<illegible>
D. Richland? note due 1 January 1850 for $<illegible>
T. G. Ragsdale? note due 1 January 1850 for $<illegible>
B. <illegible> note due 1 January 1850 for $<illegible>
Samuel Mason Account $28.80
J. C. Muse Account $3.40
J. S. C. Moore Account $15.66
William Medcalf Account $3.35
James Morgan Account $3.00
Nathaniel Porter Account $9.45
Jones and patterson Account $1.50
Mary R. Sharp Account $37.40
Lemuel Snelling Account $6.35
William Stewart Account $1.63
J. R. Ventup? Account $13.75
H. S. Willson Account $5.93
Henry Yancy Account $4.05
John Wagster Account $5.75
Mary McGete Account $1.65
John H. McGree Account $8.75
J. C. Masting Account $4.80
Moses Neely Account $0.60
Alex Norville Account $6.58
A. H. Parkes Account $19.90
John Patterson Account $3.80
William Patterson Account $3.45
Susan Patterson Account $7.45
L. D. Pannell Account $9.62
Margaret Sharp Account $17.34
Martha J. Sharp Account $28.26
Micajah Stokes Account $1.58
V. S. Searcy Account $6.50
Matilda Wilhoit Account $2.00
Also One Constable's receipt executed by Thomas Adam for several Notes and agreements amounting to the sum of one hundred fifty seven dollars and 57 cents which I do hereby convey and transfer to said William Young.
Also all the accounts of my Merchantile Books for the years 1848 & 1849, which are not included in said accounts mentioned above and which are of little value. And I hereby authorize said William Young to collect said Notes, Accounts and Receipts and apply the proceeds for purposes hereinafter mentioned. He is authorized to execute for the same - and to compromise or settle and of the said claims which he may consider doubtful or bad. And to do everything that he think most advisable to the furtherance of the interests of the creditors secured in this deed in trust. But this deed is made for the following uses and trusts and no other purposes that is to say I am Indebted to the Branch of the Bank of Tennessee in the sum of $210.00 due 16th March 1850. Also in the sum of $133.00 due 23rd March 1850. Also the sum of $100.00 due 9th June 1850. Also the sum of $600.00 due 25th June 1850. Also the sum of $100.00 due Bank of Tennessee June 1st 1850 .... <I have omitted some of the descriptions of indebtedness since there is no genealogical data; the individuals and forms that they owe money to are abstracted below:
Indebted to:
William D. Lavender $447.13
John Beaty $170.00
S. H. Dennis $35.00
Mrs. Martha Chappel $30.00
McNary and Hamilton $323.00
Thomas McAdams $500.00
A. Hix $230.00
Maxey and McClure $75.00
Andrew Vannoy $35.00
William Young $75.00
<resuming transcription> and then pay the above debts in the order they stand until they are all paid provided he will realize sufficient funds for that purpose. And if there should be realized from said claims an amount more than sufficient to paid said debts there preferred then he is to apply to the satisfaction of the following claims Pro Rata share and share alike. viz I am Indebted to Dunlop and Crossman by judgement before William Galbreath in the sum of $264.25. Also to Greenway and Hudson by note due 4th April 1850 in the sum of $1111.43. Also to E. Brown in the sum of $465.00. Also to Wilmer and Brothers $592.00. Also to Irewell and Brother in the sum of $530.00. W. Richardson and Company in the sum of $238.15; to I Moss and Brother the sum of $173.03. Also I Buell and Company the sum of $130.00; and Poindexter and Company the sum of $773.36; and to Long and Burns the sum of 855.55; which debts I desire to have paid as far as my Means will go.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 8th March 1850.
Acton Young <signed>
Recorded March 9th 1850
Bond, Edmund King, William McDaniel, Wm Murphey, & Wm Powell
Library of Virginia, Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, Page 83, 20 April 1787
Abstract: We, Edmund King, William McDaniel, Wm Murphey, & Wm Powell, give bond of 500 pounds to the Halifax, VA Justices
this Apr 20, 1787 to warrant that aforesaid Edmund King, who was undertaken to build a bridge over Banister River at the place called "Gills Mill" and to Maintain to be a good bridge for wagons & teams & all other travelers, the term of 5 years from the present date, and will continue said bridge during the aforesaid 5 years, then this bond to be void.
Signed: Edmund King, William McDaniel, Wm Murphey, Wm Powell.
Wit: none.
Recorded Apr 20, 1787
Deed, S. J. Whitworth to Effy Whitworth
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book W, Page 254, 8 Sept 1825
I hereby relinquish all my right, Title and Interest to the land left me by
my mother Elizabeth Whitworth to Effy Whitworth for a certain Negro Boy Slave named Henry aged 11 years. Sealed, signed and Delivered on September 8th 1825.
S. J. Whitworth <signed>
In Presents of:
James D. Graves
Edward Whitworth
State of Tennessee, Bedford County} I certify that the within relinquishment from S. J. Whitworth to Effy Whitworth was proven in Open Court by the Oath of Edward Whitworth Subscribing Witness thereto and ordered to be registered.
Given under my hand this 10th May 1827
James McKissick, Clerk of Bedford County
The following two complimentary powers of attorney list many of the heirs of Samuel Haggard Sr.:
Power of Attorney from Peter Cook, Gray Haggard, George Pickle, Jonathan Haggard, and John Hicks to French Haggard
TSLA, Roane County Tennessee Deeds, Book E, Page 540, 22 January 1819
KNOW all men by these presents that we Gray Haggard and Jonathan Haggard, and John Hicks in the right of his wife Nancy Haggard now Nancy Hicks, and George Pickle in right of his wife Susannah Haggard now Susannah Pickle, and Peter Cook in right of his wife Hannah Haggard now Hannah Cook, being the legal heirs of Samuel Haggard . . . all of Roane County and State of Tennessee do constitute make and appoint French Haggard of the County and state aforesaid our true and lawful attorney for and in our name to ask . . . and receive and accept, sue for and access sell and convey a certain tract of land containing two hundred acres, lying and being in the State of Georgia and County of Jackson on the waters of Turkey Creek being the tract of land the said Samuel Haggard deceased formerly lived on and died in possession of the same as may be more fully seen by referring to to the records of that county and further empower our said attorney to act and to do all things in and about the premises for us in as full a manner as we could do were we personally present. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and offices and seals this 22 day of January 1819.
Peter Cook <signed>
Gray Haggard <signed>
George Pickle <signed>
Jonathan Haggard <signed>
John Hicks <signed>
James Johnston
Alan Nismith
John Watson
Power of Attorney, John Smith and others to F. Haggard
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book L, Pages 43-44, dated 22 May 1819
Know all men by these presents that we, John Smith in right of his wife Patsy Haggert, now Patsy Smith and James Haggert being the legal heirs of Samuel Haggard
Sr., deceased, all of Bedford County State of Tennessee, do constitute, make and appoint Francis Haggard of County of Rone
(sic) and State aforesaid, our True and Lawful Attorney for us and in our name, to ask demand and receive and receipt for and recover, sell and convey a Certain Tract of Land Containing Two Hundred Acres, Lying and being in the State of Georgia, in County of Jackson, on waters of Turkey Creek, being the Tract of Land that Samuel Haggard, Sr. , deceased, formerly Lived on and died in possession of Same as may be more Fully Seen by reference to the records of that County and to do all things in and about the deceased's
Premises for us in the full manner as we Could do there we Presonally present also to sue and recover receive and receipt for all the Personal Property conveyed to us of the Estate of our Father, Samuel Haggard deceased. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the 22nd day of May 1819.
John Smith <signed>
James Haggard <signed>
Samuel Haggard <signed>
Alfred L. Haggard <signed>
John Meadows, Jurat
Jesse Hall, Jurat
Recorded: 14 August 1819
TSLA, Marshall County, TN Deeds, Book C, Pages 472-473, 16 April 1839
Deed, Circuit Court to Mary Whitworth
Abstract: "Pursuant to a directed order of the Circuit Court of Marshall County made the last February term requiring undersigned to allot and set apart to Complaintant
Mary Whitworth, widow of said Edward her Dower in the lands of which Edward Whitworth died siezed and possessed ... one tract of land in Marshall County of the Waters of Spring Creek containing Fifty six acres and forty five poles and bounded as follows, beginning at the East end
of the Lane North of the House at the West bank of the Creek and running South 72 West with said Lane sixty poles to the West boundary line, thence South sixty poles and 2/3 thence East
ninety six poles to an Overcup Oak on the West side of the Creek thence South seventy two poles down the Creek to a sugar tree on the East Bank of Spring Creek thence East sixty poles to a stake thence North seventy two poles to an Elm thence West to Spring Creek and thence up Spring Creek with its meanders to the beginning ..."
James Williams, Aaron Boyd, Adam Miller, J. B. Sheffield, M. R. Hughes
J. R. Hill, Sheriff by his deputy A. W. Bentz
"Which report being accepted to is ordered to be confirmed in all things, it is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that all the right, title, claim and interest of
complaintants Frances H. Jackson and Mary his wife, James McQuistion and Lucy his wife, Benjamin F. Whitworth, Elisha W. Hendrix and Effy his wife, Rebeca? Whitworth, Samuel Whitworth, Edward A. Whitworth, Thomas B. Whitworth, Martha Whitworth, McEwan H. Whitworth and Edward M. C. Herron who are the only heirs at law of said Edward Whitworth ..."
Registered 7 September 1840
The following deeds are all from heirs of William Meadows selling their interests in a tract of land belonging to his heirs. The description of the land of which a 1/8 interest is being sold must be analyzed to discover the relationship of the sellers and the deceased:
Deed, Elizabeth Meadows to John C. Throgmorton
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book QQ, Pages 307-308, 27 July 1847
This indenture made and entered into Between John C. Throgmorton of the One part & Elizabeth Meadows of the Other part. Witnesseth, first that I the said Elizabeth Meadows for and in consideration of the sum of seventy five dollars to me hand paid by the Said John C. Throgmorton the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained sold and conveyed unto him the said John C. Throgmorton his heirs and assigns forever
my undivided interest it being one eighth part of a certain tract of land lying in Bedford County, Tennessee and District No. 3 Bounded as follows (viz) On the East by the lands of Henry Holt. On the North by John Taylor and Robert Chambers. On the West by G. B. Sharp, formerly the land belonging to the heirs of William McGuire, Deceased. On the South by the lands belonging to the heirs of Archibald Caruthers, Deceased. It being the place whereon John C. Throgmorton now resides lives <sic>. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land to the said John C. Throgmorton his heirs and assigns forever. I the said Elizabeth Meadows warrant and forever defend the title of the said undivided interest of said tract or parcel of land to the said John C. Throgmorton and his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever. This 27th day of July 1847.
Assigned in the presents <sic> of R. W Wood, G. G. Osborne
Elizabeth Meadows <signed by mark>
State of Tennessee, Bedford County } Personally appeared before me Andrew Vannoy, Clerk of the County Court of said County, Elizabeth Meadows the within named bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged that he <sic> executed the within deed for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at Office this 16th December 1848
Andrew Vannoy, Clerk <signed>
Noted Dec. 18th at 3 O'Clock PM
Recorded Dec 18th 1848
John H. O'Neal, Register <sic>
Deed, Richard Haggard & Wife to Henry Green
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book JJ, Page 199, 16 January 1839
We Richard Haggard and Scynthia Haggard (formerly Scynthia Meadows) have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to Henry Green and his heirs forever for the consideration of Seventy five dollars to us paid,
one Undivided eight part of a Tract of land in the State of Tennessee, Bedford County and District No. 3 containing by estimation,
one hundred and seven Acres, be the same more or less, and bounded as follows, on the East by Henry Holt, on the South by Theodore F. Bradford, on the West by William Ditto, deceased, and on the North by Robert Chambers - formerly Michael Holts. To have and to hold the same to said Henry Green, his heirs and assigns forever, we do Covenant and bind ourselves, our heirs and representatives, To Warrant and defend the title of said land to Henry Green his heirs and assigns forever, against any claim to be made by ourselves or any person claiming through or under us, but no further. This 16th day of January eighteen hundred and thirty nine.
R. Haggard <signed>
Syntha Haggard <by mark>
registered 13 February 1840
Deed, Robert Waite to Cynthia Haggard and others
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book DD, Page 214, 15 January 1830
Know all men by these presents that I Robert Waite of Bedford County State of Tennessee am held and firmly bound to
Cyntha Haggard formerly Cynthia Meadows, Mariah, Jane, Henderson, Riley, Sarah, Elizabeth and Julia Meadows all children of William Meadows
of the County & State above written in the present sum of Eight hundred Dollars which payment well and truly to be made bind my self my heirs executors administrators & the condition of the above obligations is such if the above Robert Waite does make a good & sufficient title to a certain tract or parcel of land situate on the Waters of the Wartrace fork of Duck River Joining the lands of Henry Holt, Theodorick F. Bradford & Michael Holt containting (sic) in the
hundred and seven acres in the course of two years to the above named Cynthia Haggard formerly Cynthia Meadows, Mariah, Jane, Henderson, Riley, Sarah, Elizabeth and Julia Meadows all children of William Meadows otherwise to remain in full force and virtue given under my hand and seal this 15th January 1830
<illegible> before signed the words one hundred & seven acres
R. Waite <signed>
Signed in the presence of
Pumphrey Meadows, Jurat <signed>
W.K. Dalby, Jurat <signed>
State of Tennessee, Bedford County-- Personally appeared before me James McKisisk Clerk of The County Court of Said County P. Meadows and W. K. Dalby the subscribing witnesses thereto who being first sworn depose and say that they are personally acquainted with Robert Waite the Bargainer (sic) and that he acknowledges that he executes the foregoing bonds for the purposes therein contained Given under my hand at office this 5th day of November 1833.
James McKisick, Clerk
Registered the 8th day of November 1833
Thomas Davis, Registrar of Bedford County
In a series of deeds the heirs of Ibby Meadows divide land that was given her by her father after her death:
Deed, J. W. Meadows & others to W. H. Meadows
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book HHH, Pages 470-471, 5 February 1870
Abstract: One of a series of deeds among James W. Meadows, J. M. Meadows, S. M. Meadows, Williams Meadows, William H. Meadows and Mrs Elizabeth
Hannah Meadows, his wife, Margaret A. Meadows; land is in District 2 on the Barren Fork of Duck River on the top of Salt Peter Bluff (on Meadow's Hill) and borders S. Yates, C. B. King, Z. Cully
The total amounts of land are:
others to William Meadows 75 acres 76 poles
others to William H. Meadows 43 1/2 acres
others to M. A. Meadows 37 acres 118 poles
others to James W. Meadows 56 acres 110 poles
and on this deed:
J.W. James Washington, Williams' son
W.H. William H., , Williams' son
J.M. John M., Williams' son
M.A. Margaret, Williams' daughter
S.M. Samuel, Williams' son
In a series of deeds the heirs of James McMichael divide up his land after his death:
Deeds, James McMichael's heirs
TSLA, Coffee County Deed Book J, 1857-59, pages 322-333
Dated 3 Dec 1857 through 13 January 1858
Abstract: This is a collection of seven deeds whereby the fourteen heirs of James McMichael divide up his estate amongst themselves. The heirs are: Andrew Vannoy, Jane Vannoy, Nathan Vannoy, Mary Vannoy, Louisa McMichael, Martha McMichael, Alexander McMichael, William McMichael Sr., Robert McMichael, William McMichael, L. M. Robinson, R. J. Robinson, A.J. Uselton, and Caroline Uselton. The deeds divide the land and the slaves.
Example disclosing business relationships
Example disclosing a guardian relationship
The following deeds show other examples of relationships (in bold) disclosed in deeds:
Deed, Andrew Erwin to Jane Patton
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book L, pages 77-78, 1 October 1818
This Indenture made the First day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen. Witnesseth that I
Andrew Erwin of Augusta Georgia have this day Bargained and sold unto
Jane Patton of Bedford County, Widdow <sic> of Thomas Patton, Deceased, late of said County a Certain Piece or Parcel of Land situate in Bedford County on Noah's Fork of the Garrison Fork of Duck River a
Part of a Grant From the State of North Carolina to John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount Number 217 and said piece of Land now sold is considered as Worth Two hundred Dollars and is in exchange for Lands Entered by Colonel Webster and others which were not saved by the conveyance made to Thomas Patton in his Life Time by Patton and Erwin's deed The piece now Conveyed Bounded as follows Beginning on the South Bank of said Noah's fork on a White Oak and Beech, Neely Patton's North West Corner, thence down said creek equal to 22 poles on a straight line to a Large Sugar Tree and Ironwood on the South Bank of said Creek thence North one hundred and twenty eight poles to a hornbean in A. Jones line, thence East with his line 22 poles to Thomas Patton's West Boundary line and with his line South to the beginning Containing by calculation Seventeen acres and 96 poles be the Same More or Less. To Have And to Hold the aforesaid Land & bargained Premises to the said Jane Patton her heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims of all Manner of Person or Persons Whatsoever -- And the said A. Erwin Covenant and agree with the said Jane to warrant and defend the aforesaid Lands and bargained Premises to her and her Heirs and assign as Witness His hand and seal this date and year above Written:
The upper line interlined by a Dogwood.
Andrew Erwin <signed>
Neely Patton
Daniel Patton
State of Tennessee Bedford County } July Term 1819 I James McKisick Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the Execution of the Within deed of Conveyance from Andrew Erwin to Jane Patton for 17 Acres of Land Was acknowledged in Open Court by ther Said Andrew Erwin and Ordered to be Certified For Registration given under my hand at office this 13th day of July 1819
James McKisick, Clerk <signed>
Registered 21st September 1819 Edward Wade Registrar of Bedford County
Deed, Andrew Erwin to Lorenzo D. Whitworth
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book CC, Page 165, dated 20 January 1826
This indenture is made this 20th day of January in the year Eight <sic> hundred and twenty six between Andrew Erwin on the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Lorenzo D. Whitworth of said County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Andrew Erwin hath bargained and sold unto the said Whitworth a certain tract of parcel of land Situate <sic> in said County of Bedford on the waters of the Wartrace Fork of Duck River it being
a part of two hundred and seventy two acres sold to
Jacob Whitworth, Father of the said Lorenzo D., on the 6th day of November 1821 for $1000. Beginning on a Sycamore in Finelly's North Boundary line on the west bank of said Whitworth's Branch, thence east with said Finelly's line to his north east corner on a sugar tree at 55 poles, thence North, the east boundary of the 5,000 acre tract No. 229, of which this is a part, to a birch <illegible> thence west with Jacob Whitworth's south boundary of his 109 acre tract 59 poles to a stake in the bank of the branch, thence with the meanders of said branch to the Beginning, containing by calculation forty six acres and ten poles be the same more or less..."
Signed: Andrew Erwin
Witnesses: William B. McNutt, Samuel Sutton
Recorded: 17 August 1832
Pennsylvania State Archives, York County, Pennsylvania Deeds, Book A, Page 545-546, 29 August 1761
Deed, Bastain Wigle et al to Martin Wigle
Abstract: Bastian Wigle, son of Martin Wigle, late of Manchester Township, County of York, Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, deceased,
Jacob Bushone and Juliana his wife, one of the daughters of the said deceased and
Michael Sprinkle of Manchester Township, Yeoman and Elizabeth his wife, another daughter of said deceased of one part and
Martin Wigle, another of the sons of the aforesaid Martin Wigle, deceased; 114 pounds, lawful money of Pennsylvania for all their share of the plantation and tract of land whereon the aforesaid Martin Wigle, Deceased, lately dwelt, situate part in Manchester and part in Dover township adjoining the lands of Ludwich Ripple, Valentine Ham, John Benz, Martin Bower, Phillip Ham and John Bensit, part devised to them by the will of the aforesaid Martin Wigle bearing the date 29 January 1759; the deed contains no detailed description of the location of the land.
Acknowledged before Justice George Stephenson Esquire on 29 August 1761
Recorded 24 February 1762
Deed, Biggers Powell to William J. Powell
Library of Virginia, Halifax County Virginia Deeds, Book 54, page 218, 30 November 1850
Know all men by these presents that I, Biggers Powell of the State of North Carolina, Person County for the sum of Four hundred dollars in hand paid by William J. Powell hath bargained and sold all my interest and claim both real and personal in the estate of
my deceased father Mastin Powell known as the dower property in said estate. The right whereof I warrant and defend for myself, my heirs and assigns or any person or persons claiming under me in any manner whatsoever unto the said William J. Powell his heirs or assigns forever witness my hand and seal the 30th day of November 1850.
Bigger Powell <signed>
Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Patton of the County of Bedford & State of Tennessee Have this day bargained, granted Sold & conveyed and doth by these presents bargain, Sell, Convey and deliver unto William Patton of the City of Charleston South Carolina a Negro Girl named Susan about twelve or thirteen Years old, now in possession of our Mother Jane Patton with whom she is to remain until called for by my said brother William Patton whether in person or by another. For the Consideration of the good will and affection I have for my said Brother William & for his children & for the sum of Five Dollars to me paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to have and to hold in trust for the benefit use and behoof only of the Children of my said brother William & for no other use or design Whatever.
Deed, Easter Crosslin to J. W. Crosslin
TSLA, Coffee County TN Deeds, Book P, Pages 64-66, 1 May 1871
Abstract: 45 acres in name of Easter Crosslin in 3rd CD valued at $360 tax defaulted, but redeemed by John Crosslin for $6.93 and at his direction assigned back to said
Easter Crosslin, widow of John Crosslin, deceased; following this is a deed dated 4 January 1876 where Easter Crosslin conveys this tract to J. W. Crosslin for $135
Witness: B. K. Emerson
Registered 4 Jan 1876
This Indenture made this twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty nine, by and Between
Elias Yeates of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part, and
Ibby Meadows, his daughter of the County and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Elias Yeates for the consideration of Natural love and affection which he the said Elias Yeates bears toward the said Ibby Meadows hath Given & Granted, Aliened, <illegible> and conferred unto the said
Ibby Meadows her heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land with the appertainesses thereunto belonging Situate lying and being in the County of Bedford on the waters of the Garrison fork of Duck River and bounded as follows--Beginning at a Sugar tree and sower Oak, Allen Knights North East corner of a tract of land purchased of Nicholas Coble, thence East 138 poles to Zachariah Culley North East corner, thence North 143 poles to a white ash, Fergus Hall's South East corner, thence West along said Hall's Line to Samuel Yates corner Thence with said Samuel Yeates line to the Beginning Containing by Estimation one hundred and twenty two acres be the same more or less. To have & to hold the aforesaid Tract of Land together with all & Singular the rights, profits, Emoluments, hereditaments & appertainenies (sic), of, in & to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of the said Ibby Meadows her heirs and assigns forever, and the said Elias Yeates for myself my heirs & assigns do covenant and agree to and with the Said Ibby Meadows her heirs and assigns, that the before recited land and bargained premises I forever defend against the right, claim and interest or demand of all and every person or manner of person whatsoever In Witness whereof I the said Elias Yeates have hereunto Set my hand and Affixed my seal the day & date above written
Elias Yates <signed>
Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us
Allen Knight <signed>
James Thompson <signed>
James Murrell <signed>
Thomas Murrell <signed>
State of Tennessee--Bedford County. Personally appeared before me Robert Hunt Clerk of this County Court of said County, James Murrell & Thomas Murrell Subscribing Witnesses to the within named deed who being first sworn depose and say that they are Acquainted with Elias Yeates the bargainor and that he Acknowledged the same in their presences to be his Act and deed upon the 18th September 1841
Robert Hunt, Clerk
Registered September 23rd 1841
Andrew Vannoy, Registrar of Bedford County
Deed, Elizabeth Patterson et al to Henry Hammond
TSLA, Bedford County, TN Deeds, Book KKK, page 165-166, 4 December 1872
I am or was the owner of a life estate in the following tract or parcel of land situated in the third Civil District and bounded as follows: <detailed description of tract bordering D. G. Blessing and William H. Weisener
Jr. omitted> on which I have resided the last ten of fifteen years and which has been sold by the Sheriff of Bedford County for a debt that I owed to one B. A. Nelson and which was bought by Henry C. Hammond for the sum of sixty two dollars and nine cents - and whereas the remainder in said land
belongs to some of my children who join me in this deed - Isaac W. Patterson, now of Texas, owning one third in remainder - and whereas James W. Lokey & his wife owns one third of said land, that is his wife Martha J. Owned one third and he is interested as her husband - and Absolum W. Patterson and Susan Patterson are owner of one third in remainder in said tract of
land and whereas said Hammond is interested in paying at the rate of thirty three and one third dollars for each share - making one hundred dollars for the remainder of said lands...
Absolum Patterson <by mark>
James William Lokey <by mark>
Martha J. Lokey
Elizabeth Patterson <by mark>
Susan Patterson <by mark>
D. G. Blessing
William H. Weisener Jr.
Deed, Ephraim B. Jones to G. G. Osborne
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book CC, Pages 74-75, 23 May 1831
Know all men by these presents that I Ephriam B. Jones of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars in hand paid have bargained sold and delivered to G. G. Osborne of the same County and State a certain tract or parcel of land being and lying in the County of Bedford on the North side of the Garrison Fork of Duck River and
willed to said E. B. Jones by his father Leban Jones in his lifetime Situated in the manner following (to wit) Beginning at a Rock, Matthew Jones Sr. North West Corner <illegible word - tight binding> Matthew Cortner corner thence West with Thomas Couch and G. G. Osborne's line till a stake the Center of the river the way it follows until it strikes Cortner's line thence North to the Beginning. Containing fifteen acres be the same more or less the right and title to which land I the said E. B. Jones do bind myself, my heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend to the said G. G. Osborne his heirs or assigns against the Claim or Claims of myself my heirs or assigns Executors administrators or assigns <sic> or any other person or persons whomsoever. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty third day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirty one.
E. B. Jones <signed>
Test: A Erwin Jr <signed>
Daniel McKisick <signed>
State of Tennessee, County of Bedford } May Term 1832. I James McKisick, Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County aforesaid do hereby Certify that the Execution of the within deed of Conveyance from E. B. Jones to G. G. Osborne for 15 acres of land was acknowledged in open court by the said E. B. Jones and ordered to be certified for Registration. Given under my hand this 12th day of May 1832
James McKisick <signed>
Registered the 22nd day of June 1832
Thomas Davis, Registrar of Bedford County
The following deeds illustrate gifts of land to a son-in-law and to a daughter:
Number 531. Ephriam Meadows to Benjamin Crocker, Deed Gift
TSLA, Rutherford County Deeds, Book 4, page 407, 21 January 1850
For the love and affection I entertain for Benjamin Crocker, I do hereby give and transfer and convey to him my tract of land in Rutherford County Tennessee district Number 14 Containing by Estimation Forty acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows. Beginning on a cedar on the East Bank of the West fork of Stones river, thence East one hundred and sixteen poles to a dogwood and oak on David Vance's line, thence north forty poles with David Vance's line to an Elm, thence West Eighty poles to an Elm, thence north forty five West to the mouth of a branch, thence up said West fork with its meanders to the Beginning. To have and to hold the same to the said Benjamin Crocker his heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title to the said tract of land to the said Benjamin Crocker his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever, this 21st day of January 1850.
Ephriam Meadows <signed by mark>
Lewis Tucker
William E. Modrall
State of Tennessee, Rutherford County } Personally appeared before one John Woods Clerk of the County Court of said County, Lewis Tucker on the 11th day of February 1850 and William E. Modrall on said day subscribing witnesses to the within deed of Gift who being first sworn depose and say they are acquainted with the above named Ephriam Meadows the bargainor and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed upon the day it bears date,
Witness my hand at office this 20th day of February 1850,
John Woods, Clerk
Registered February 27 1850
Deed, John Thompson to Richardson Clardy
TSLA, Bedford County, TN Deeds, Book FF, Page 423-424, 6 Feb 1836
This indenture is made this sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six between John Thompson of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and
Richardson Clardy in right of his wife Adaline Metilda, of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Thompson for and in consideration of the Value of Two hundred dollars
as part of the legacy to his Daughter Adaline Metilda (now wife of Richardson Clardy) doth give, grant, convey and confirm by these presents, unto said Richardson Clardy in right of his wife Adaline M., Their heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Bedford on the head waters of the North branch of Duck River running in near Thompson's Ford. Beginning at a white Oak on the South East Corner of the School Land in Range No. 3, Section 6, running South fifty poles to a Stake in the North boundary line of a 1500 acre tract Granted to William Lenore, thence West with his line fourteen poles to a Stake, thence West one hundred and forty seven poles to a Stake in the East boundary line of a 300 acre tract granted to John Thompson, thence North with said line to an Ash in the North East corner of said tract, thence West with the North boundary line thirty poles to a Stake, thence North to the South boundary line of the School tract, thence East with said line 185 poles to the beginning, containing by Estimation one hundred acres it being the same more or less. To have and to hold with all and Singular the rights, profits, Emoluments, hereditaments and Appurtenances of in and to the same belonging in any way wise appertaining to the only proper use of the said Richardson Clardy in right of his wife Adaline M., their heirs and assigns forever, and the said John Thompson his Heirs, Executors and Administrators doth Covenant and agree to and with the said Richardson Clardy in right of his wife Adaline M. their heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the before recited Tract of land from himself and his heirs and all person or persons claiming under him and no further. In Witness whereof the said John Thompson hath hereunto Set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above written.
John Thompson <signed>
Signed, sealed or acknowledged in the presence of:
Joseph P. Thompson
W. D. Orr
Registered August 12th 1836, Andrew Vannoy, Registrar of Bedford County
Deed, Thompson Thompson to John F. Thompson
TSLA, Bedford County, TN Deeds, Book FF, Page 426, 17 August 183
Know all men by these presents that I, Thompson Thompson hath this seventeenth day of August Eighteen hundred and thirty five Given and bequeathed to his son John F. Thompson for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars,
as a gift from his estate and by these presents doth Give, Grant, Convey and Confirm unto the said John F. Thompson his heirs and assigns forever a Certain Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on the South side of Duck River, Beginning at an Ash the North East Corner of Jacob Lentz's land, running down Duck River North seventy poles to two Beeches, John F. Thompson's South East Corner, thence West with said John F. Thompson's line thirty poles to a Beech, thence North with another of his lines one hundred and thirty eight poles to Duck River near a small Beech and elm, thence down the river eighty six degrees West, twenty two poles, thence South thirty degrees West ninety poles to an Ash thence West thirty two poles to two Elms Ben Lentz's North east Corner, thence South with said Lentz's line Seventy poles to a Stake in Jacob Lentz's North boundary line, thence East with said line to the beginning. Containing by estimation Seventy four Acres it being the same more or less. To have and to hold the above land and bequeathed premises with all and Singular the rights, profits, Emoluments, hereditaments and Appurtenances of in and to the same belonging in any way wise appertaining to the only proper use of the said John F. Thompson his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Thompson Thompson for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators doth agree to and with the said John F. Thompson his heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the aforesaid land against himself, his heirs, Executors and Administrators and all persons claiming under him and no further whatever. In Witness whereof the said Thompson Thompson hath hereunto Set his hand and seal the day and date above written.
Thomson Thompson <signed>
Signed, sealed and Acknowledged in the presence of:
John Fisher <signed>
George W. Parsons <signed>
Personally appeared before me, William D. Orr, Clerk of Bedford County Court, John Fisher and George W. Parsons witnesses to the within deed who being first sworn, depose and say that they were acquainted with Thomson Thompson in his lifetime, that they saw him sign, seal and deliver the within deed upon the day it bears date. Witness my hand at office this 1st day of August 1836
William D. Orr, Clerk <signed>
Registered August 19th 1836, Andrew Vannoy, Clerk of Bedford County
This next deed extract shows a son selling his share of the estate of his father to his brother. It also lists his mother's name:
Deed, George Uselton to Joseph Uselton
TSLA, Coffee County Deeds, Book F, Page 164, Dated 14 December 1850
" consideration of the sum of sixty five dollars ... assigns forever my interest in an undivided tract of land on which Eleanor Uselton now lives and formerly owned by John Uselton, deceased, and lying on Nolls Branch the waters of Noah's Fork of Duck River supposed to contain 109 acres..."
Example of a father giving a slave to his daughter
This deed discloses that Peter Melson rents land from the Kennedys and states the rent that he pays. It explains why there is no deed where Peter Melson purchased land in Wayne county even though he lived there in the 1830's:
Deed of Trust, John, Polley, Margaret, and Mary Kenedy, to John Sinclair
TSLA, Wayne County Deeds, Book C, page 22, 28 June 1838
Conveys: three cows and calves two two year old heifers two beds and bedding two big whells one wash pot and all our kitchen furniture also
our whole and entire claim in eight acres of corn in old Mr. Melsons plantation with the exception of Melsons rent which is two barrels per
acre. To secure the payment of 69 dollars and 93 3/4 cents owed John Sinclair....the death of any of the parties shall in no ways
interfere or stop the true meaning of the above.
Witnesses: William Sinclair <signed>
Peter Melson <signed>
John Kenedy <signed by mark>
Mary Kenedy <signed by mark>
Margaret Kenedy <signed by mark>
Deed, George Uselton and wife to John Jackson
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Woodford, Kentucky Deeds, Book C2, Pages 326-327, 16 September 1799; the same deed is also recorded in Book C, pages 224 and 225
Abstract: George Uselton and wife to of Woodford County, KY to John Jackson of same; 68 1/3 acres, "
beginning at two Logan trees corner to Jesse Grady, thence North 35 degrees West seventy four poles to a sugar tree and hackberry, thence South fifty five degrees West one hundred and forty nine poles to a Hackberry, Hickory and small white ash corner to James Duprey and on a line of Cave Jackson, thence with a line of said Duprey South sixty degrees East one hundred and twelve poles to a large hackberry, corner to said Grundy thence with a line of said Grundy North fifty four degrees East ninety eight poles to the Beginning
'; "
and whence
the aforesaid premises have been heretofore conveyed by a certain John Craig to a certain Robert Blackwell with a claim of general warranty and afterwards sold and conveyed by him the said Blackwell to the said
George Uselton <signed>
Margret Uselton <signed>
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Richard Young
Archibald Kincaid
Lewis Utterback
Deed, Matt Martin to Lucy G. Bradford
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book JJ, Pages 247-248, 21 March 1840
Abstract: Deed of Gift "in consideration of the sum of one dollar & for further consideration of the natural love and affection I bear unto
my Daughter, Lucy G. Bradford, wife of Theoderic F. Bradford of the same County ... negro slaves Jesse, Nancy, Sylvia, Miriam & Burton which came from the estate of Barclay Martin, deceased... And after the death of said Lucy for the consideration before mentioned, I Give said slaves & their increase
to all the children of the said Lucy then living, to wit - Barclay M. Bradford, Caroline M. Bradford, Louisa R. Bradford, Lucy G. Bradford, Theoderic F. Bradford, William F. Bradford & Elizabeth M. M. Bradford ..."
Witness: J. Cleveland, W. Pepper
Example of a partial history of previous owners
Example of a previous owner of land with the deed recording that ownership
A second example of the previous owner of land
Example of previous ownership traced to the original land grant
Example of a grantor residing in another state
Example of a grantee residing in another state
Examples of grantors that resided in another county when the deed was made:
Andrew Erwin, Jr. Deed to Abraham Myers
TSLA, Bedford County, Tennessee Deeds, Book AA, Page 176, 24 February 1829
This indenture made this twenty fourth day of February 1829 between Andrew Erwin Jr. of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee as administrator of William Talbot, deceased and as surviving partner of the late firm of Talbot and Erwin of the one part and
Abraham Myers of Jackson County and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that at a sale this day made in of the joint property of the firm of Talbot and Erwin, in strict compliance with their articles of Co-partnership bearing date Oct 6th 1827, and an order of sale by all parties concerned, the said Abraham Myers became the purchaser of sixty four acres of land be the same more or less,
as described in A. Erwin's Senior's deed to William Talbot and A. Erwin Junior bearing date the 25th day of October 1824. Registered in Book S Page 271 at Shelbyville / county and state
aforesaid, on the 5 day of July 1825, together with the Bagging factory and Rope Works and machinery thereunto belonging, Dwelling house out houses and all the immovable appurtenances thereunto belonging, he having bid three thousand dollars for the same and otherwise complied with the terms of sale. And I, Andrew Erwin Jr. as Administrator and surviving partner as aforesaid Do warrant and will forever defend the title thereof to the said Myers his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all manner of persons whatsoever to which I bind myself my heirs and assigns. Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of February A. D. 1829.
A. Erwin Jr. <signed>
For himself and as surviving partner of the late firm of Talbot and Erwin and Administrator of William Tolbot, deceased
Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence:
O. H. Searcy
James W. Shields
A. Erwin
State of Tennessee, Bedford County } May Term 1829. I, James McKissick, Clerk of Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions of the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the execution of the foregoing deed of Conveyance from Andrew Erwin Jr. for himself and surviving partner of Talbot and Erwin was acknowledged by said Andrew Erwin Jr. and ordered to be certified for registration.
Given under my hand this 15 day of May 1829
James McKissick <signed>
Registered May 27th 1829
T. D. Registrar
Deed, George W. Cahoon to Forsythe heirs
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book N, Pages 40-43, 1 December 1819
Abstract: George W. Cahoon of Alabama Territory and County of Blount to the
children of Benjamin Forsythe deceased, to wit: Elizabeth B.
Smalling, Sally A. Perry, Effy J. Forsythe, Bethonia H. Forsythe, James M. Forsythe and Mary L. Forsythe of State of TN and County of Bedford and Elizabeth B. Cowan is to live on the said place now occupied; $600 for 109 1/3 acres, part of a 1000 acre tract deeded from Benjamin Williams to Lucy M. Ragan; "to include the improvement whereon the said Elizabeth B. Cowan now lives
"; begins 33 chains and 10 links S of the NE corner of said tract
Witness: John Long, Ansel H. Ferguson
Registered January term 1821
Examples of grantors who have moved from Bedford County, Tennessee to a new location:
Deed, Isaac W. Patterson to Henry C. Hammond
TSLA, Bedford County, TN Deeds, Book KKK, page 167, 4 December 1872
I Isaac W. Patterson, now of the County of McClelland and the State of Texas, formerly of Bedford County, Tennessee, being the owner of one third in remainder after the death of my mother Elizabeth Patterson in the following tract or parcel of land <describes a 2 acre tract in the third CD bordering William H Weisener and Blessing> in consideration of the sum of thirty three dollars and thirty three and one third cents.
Deed, John McMichael to Alexander James and William McMichael
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book JJ, Page 357, Dated 28 Oct 1833
John McMichael to Alexander James and William McMichael, Relinquishment
Know all men by these presents that I John McMichael of the State of Missouri, Pike
County, have this day bargained, sold and conveyed and hereby do bargain, sell and convey to Alexander, James and William McMichael of the State of Tennessee, Bedford County, all my right, title claim or demand in an undivided tract of land of 180 acres more or less, lying on Noah's fork of Duck River, being the tract of land whereon the McMichael's now live and whereas I am interested in the said tract of land as one of the legal and lawful heirs in and to the same,
I do hereby relinquish all my right, title, claim or demand to the said Alexander McMichael, James McMichael and William McMichael for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to me paid the receipt whereof is acknowledged and myself therewith satisfied and paid and do hereby warrant and defend the said against myself or my heirs. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of October 1833.
John McMichael <signed>
Signed and Acknowledged in presence of:
Andrew Vannoy
J. Cleveland Jr.
State of Tennessee Bedford County -- Personally appeared before me Robert Hurst clerk of the County County <sic> Court of said County, Andrew Vannoy and J. Cleveland the subscribing witnesses to the within deed of relinquishment, who being first sworn depose and say that they were acquainted with John McMichael the within named bargainor and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed on or about the time it bears date. Witness my hand at office this 20th June 1840.
Robert Hurst, Clerk
by his Deputy John T. Neal <signed>
Registered June 20th 1840 Andrew Vannoy, Registrar of Bedford County
The extent of property is recorded in Bedford County, Tennessee deeds using the system of "metes and bounds". The corners of a property are described in terms of landmarks (such as rocks, watercourses, and trees) and the corners or lines of adjacent ("abutting") properties. The Land Record Reference site published by Deed Mapper provides an extensive tutorial on how to read and interpret the metes and bounds descriptions found in old deeds as well as other legal language in deeds. Distances in these deeds are measured in units of poles, where 1 pole is 16.5 feet and there are 320 poles in a mile.
Deed, Jacob Whitworth to Davis Bording
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book W, Pages 125-126, dated 7 January 1827
Abstract: both of Bedford, TN; $500 for a tract of 100 acres and 98 poles :on the Waters of the Wartrace Fork of Duck River
" part of 5000 acre grant #219 and "part of a 262 acre tract sold to the said Whitworth on 20th day of November 1821 by A. Erwin
"beginning at a horn bean on the West Bank of Whitworth's Branch at Isaac Whitworth's South East Corner of his sixty acre tract thence East Eighty Nine poles to a Large Beech in the East boundary line of said 5000 acre grant No 219 thence North on said East boundary line 204 poles to a large Spanish Oak on the top of a Ridge thence South forty six West forty six poles to a Beech and sugartree then South 80 West sixty nine poles to a hickory Isaac Whitworth's North corner thence with his East boundary South eleven East eight three poles to a hickory in the branch thence South with said line 26 East sixty six poles to the
Jacob Whitworth <signed>
Witness: N. L. Majors
Abraham Fenley <signed by mark>
Acknowledged in open court by the maker 19 February 1827
In the following deeds, the names of the owners/occupiers of adjacent ("abutting") properties are in bold:
TSLA, Bedford County Deeds, Book L, page 132, 1 October 1818
Deed, Andrew Erwin to Margaret McMichael
This Indenture made the First day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen Between Andrew Erwin of Augusta, Georgia and Margaret McMickel
(sic) of Bedford County & State of Tennessee of the other Part. Witnesseth that the said Andrew Erwin Hath this day bargained and sold & by these Presents do <sic> Bargain Sell Alien <sic> Convey And Confirm unto the said Margaret her heirs and assigns Forever a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Situate <sic> Lying & Being in Said County of Bedford on Noah's fork of Duck River a part of a grant from the State of North Carolina to John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount No. 217. Beginning at a Stake in the South Boundary line of a one hundred <acre> Survey formally (sic) owned by
William Ellison, Now Owned by Weatherford in Elem's Branch, 30 poles West of said
Elem's South East corner, thence South crossing said branch Several Times to the middle of Noah's fork with its Meanders Equal to one hundred and forty poles on a Straight line to two Sycamores & Elm,
William Nichol's South East Corner, thence North 45 Degrees West with said Nichol's East Boundary line Two hundred and twenty poles to a Hickory, said Nichol's South West corner, thence North to
John Jackson's line in the top of the Ridge at 20 poles thence Eastwardly with Jackson's Line <last sentence at bottom of page illegible>
William Elem's North West Corner of the tract of <illegible> Keel
(sic) now lives thence with Keel's and Weatherford's West Boundary Line to Weatherford's South West Line of the
Tract on Which William Elem formerly Lived thence East with said line to the beginning, Supposed to Contain One hundred and Eighty Acres be the same more or less. To Have And to Hold the afore<sic> Land & bargained Premises To the Only use & behalf of her the said Margaret McMikel Her heirs and Assigns forever. In Witness Whereof I, the said Andrew Erwin as aforesaid do Warrant & Will forever defend Against the Lawful Claims of all Manner of Person or Persons Whatsoever as Witness my hand & seal this date and year above Written:
Andrew Erwin <signed>
Test: Neely Patton <signed>
A. D. Foster <signed>
Registered 13 July 1819
This deed lists as abutters many related individuals: Jane Meadows (widow of Michael Meadows), Samuel Haggard (whose wife Mahala was a daughter of John Meadows, brother of Michael Meadows), and Richard Haggard, son of Samuel Haggard:
Deed, George Waite to Gabriel G. Osborne
TSLA, Bedford County TN Deeds, Book GG, page 290, 2 December 1837
Abstract: $200 for 40 acres in 2nd, "begins at Jane Meadow's NE corner in Muses line, E to
William Carouther's old line, now Isaac Couches, S with Couche's line to
Samuel Haggard's corner in said line, W on Haggard's line to Richard Haggard's corner in the Spring Branch, up said branch to the center of the spring where said Richard Haggard now uses water, S with a drain of hollow to said Richard Haggard's corner opposite an elm, along said line westwardly to his corner in Jane Meadow's line, N on said line to the beginning..."
Witness: Andrew Vannoy, George W. Ruth
Registered 15 Dec 1837
This deed shows brothers owning abutting properties
Witnesses are often related to the grantor or grantee, their spouses, or their children.
Example of sons of the grantee as witnesses
In the following deed a son and a brother of Isaac Meadows sign as witnesses:
Deed, Isaac Meadows to James McDaniel
TSLA, Warren County TN Deeds, Book A, pages 301-302, November 16, 1811
Deed. made November 16, 1811 between Isaac Meadows and James McDaniel both of Warren County, Tennessee Witnesseth for the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars Meadows sold to said McDaniels a tract of land in Warren County Beginning at a stake fourteen poles North of the original beginning of Meadows two hundred acres it being six poles North of the one mile tree in the Western boundary line of the first District. North sixty five degrees East sixteen poles crossing hickory creek to a Elm, North forty eight degrees East sixteen poles to a stake and pointers, North eighteen degrees east twenty six poles to a dogwood, North forty nine degrees east fifty four poles to a White oak, North thirteen degrees West sixty one poles to a black oak in the back line of the said two hundred acres, West with said line to the corner pointers of the two hundred acre Survey, South one hundred & sixty four poles crossing hickory creek to the Beginning. Title guaranteed.
Isaac Meadows <signed>
Moses Rea <signed>
Anderson Meadows <signed>
Daniel Meadows <signed>
State of Tennessee, Warren County } May Session 1812. The within Deed was proven in open court July 6, 1812.
Joseph Colville, Clerk.
Registered July 9, 1812
Searches of Bedford County, TN deed indices are available from GSC Associates. Click here to learn more. Copies of Bedford County, TN deeds are available from GSC Associates. Click here to learn more.
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